Thursday 24 October 2013

What It Takes To Become Young & Remarkably Successful?

Everybody wants to be successful, but exactly what does success mean?  To many people success simply means having a lot of money, or living in a big house, or driving a fancy car.  But are these things really success?  Or are they just indicators that someone has been successful?
Many people acquire the big house or the fancy car before they have actually obtained the level of financial success necessary to afford these indicators of success.

Success is not simply having things.  Rather, Success Is Living Your Dreams and Desires,

Whatever those dreams or desires may be.  Success is being the kind of person you desire to be, doing the things that you desire to do, and having the possessions that you desire to possess.
Here is what it takes to be young and successful.

1. Find a cause - First you must find a purpose, or define a vision for yourself because if you do not know where you are going, you will never get there. Get motivated by reading or sharing others successful people’s story be it in business or career as they will ultimately shape your vision and the cause you want to pursue. Find out what you are passionate about and what are your talents? Then ask yourself what the world need and how your talents can help solve a specific need. Lastly define what you want to be known for.

2. Surround yourself with great people - Many young successful people I have interviewed say that the most important step they took towards success was to change their surrounding and the people with whom they spend time. You are the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with most. Some people will tell you that you can’t achieve it, because they have a classic line that “success doesn’t happen to people like us”. Break out of that circle, out of that mindset that is holding you back and started spending your time with people who encouraged you thus you become more confident and start achieving things.

3. Take action - You can have the greatest ideas in your head, but if you don’t put them into practice, they become worthless. The true mark of success lies in having the courage to invest emotionally, physically and financially in your idea. There is an interesting difference between people that ‘design and talk’ about work and others that actually ‘build and create. What is preventing you from taking action? What ideas, visions, are you keeping for yourself? Write them down and design a schedule that will help you implement them, little by little.

4. Turn the bad into good - When you face a challenging situation or rejection, know that those challenges can be used to help you go even further. For example, some people will fail to pick your calls; an investment may not pay off Understand that rejection is a part of our everyday lives and instead of dwelling on the negatives, learn how to find strength in the highs and the lows, ups and downs. Don’t fail to pursue your dreams because things didn’t play out the way you wanted them to. Instead, use those challenges and fears as motivating factors to help you succeed.

5. Never, ever give up - The true mark of entrepreneurs is their ability to never give up. You may have an idea and struggle to find significant funding and traction where potential donors tell you to your face that they are convinced in our vision and path. Such failures should help you know which direction to go to until you reach your goals. For each rejection, ask yourself, What can I do differently? What can I learn from this situation? Finally, say to yourself: I am bigger than this. Keep pushing. Keep striving. Keep facing the sun.


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