Sunday 20 October 2013

8 Things You Should Be Doing On Your Weekends

Here are some of the activities you should be doing on weekends for you to be successful and productive.

1. Make time for family and friends - This is especially important for those who don’t spend much time with their loved ones during the week.

2. Exercise - Everyone needs to do it, and if you can’t work out 4 to 5 days during the workweek, you need to be active on weekends to make up for some of that time. It’s the perfect opportunity to clear your mind and create fresh ideas.

3. Take vacations and avoid chore - Your weekend is time to relax. Have a few to-dos, which will take the minimum amount of time possible. Also, getting away for the weekend provides a great respite from the grind of an intense week at work.

4. Volunteer - The volunteer work provides a balance to the heavy analytical work one does all week and fulfills ones need to be creative. Participate in fundraising events as it is a great way to network and to meet others with similar interests. The visibility also helps in branding a successful person as philanthropic.

5. Plan - Planning makes people more effective, and doing it before the week starts means you can hit Monday ready to go, and means you’ll give clear directions to the people who work for you, so they will be ready to go, too.Successful people plan their month and year because “if you get stuck on short-term lists you don’t get anything big accomplished.

6. Network & Socialize - Networking isn’t an event for a successful person, it’s a lifestyle. Wherever you go and whatever you do, you must connect with new people. Also, humans are social creatures so go out with friends and family, or get involved in the local community. You will find great satisfaction in giving back. For instance Board membership offers access to other successful folks.

7. Reflect - Truly successful people make time on weekends to appreciate what they have and reflect on their happiness and accomplishments. As Rascoff said, “weekends are a great chance to reflect and be more introspective about bigger issues.”

8. Meditate & Recharge - We live in a competitive and tough world. Classes and private instruction offer a tailored approach to insight and peace of mind through mediation. Also, manage your down time, get some new energy so that you are able to get much done at peak performance.

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