Tuesday 15 November 2011

Wealth Tips From One Of Asia's Richest Entrepreneurs: Lee Shau Kee

Bookstores around the world routinely carry investment tips from Warren Buffett. It’s not so often that one of Asia’s most successful businesspeople shares wealth advice at an international event.
Yet Henderson Land Chairman Lee Shau Kee of Hong Kong, who ranked No. 28 on the 2011 Forbes Billionaires List with wealth of $19 billion, did that last Thursday at an awards dinner arranged by Forbes Asia for members of our 2011 Best Under A Billion list. Listees this year included Netease, one of the world’s most popular online game websites, and Ctrip, a nimble travel booking specialist that’s also based in China. Among the 200 guests at the Hong Kong event were Bank of East Asia Chairman David Li and fashion designer Vivienne Tam.
What suggestions did Lee offer to the audience?
Work hard and persevere. Clear enough.
  • Use money to make money:  Save your “first bucket of gold” – or small fortune — from work, but then use it for investments. Don’t just park money in the bank.
  • For men, find a job that you will be happy with and work hard at. Women, in line with an old Chinese proverb, should marry the right man, Lee said.
  • Don’t marry too early in life.  It’s better to work hard when young and establish a career first.
  • For those already successful, money can become a controlling factor in life and make you a slave to it, Lee noted. One way to avoid that:  Philanthropy. Giving away money to the right cause, with a leveraged effect and your own involvement in how it is spent, will “give you peace of mind,” Lee said.
To that end, Lee also had another suggestion: try to maximize the number of people that can benefit from an individual contribution. He noted that he had set up a program that trained one million young farmers in rural areas and helped them find jobs. Because each family has about three members, the giving benefited more than three million people.

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