Monday 23 September 2013

Caroline Mutoko To Kenyans:Do Not Let The Terrorists Win!

Caroline Mutoko To Kenyans:Do Not Let The Terrorists Win!  
Caroline Mutoko is arguably one of the most meticulous and influential Kenyan media personalities of all time. With over 300,000 likes on her Facebook her influence just gets stronger. The Kiss 100 presenter takes this platform to encourage fellow Kenyans saying:

 Scanning through the TV stations I've caught images of Kenyans go about their business. It feels good. We cannot agree to be terrorized. Terrorism is an effort to bring a nation to its knees. We cannot let the terrorists achieve the objective of frightening our nation to the point where we don’t conduct business, where our children don't go to school, where people don’t shop, where we don't walk freely in our own country, where we don't live our lives.

That’s their intention. Don't let them win. If we hide in our houses; if we cancel our events; if we don't go to school; if we don't do business; if we turn on each other, if we begin to nitpick at those doing their part to help - then the terrorists have won.


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