Monday 23 July 2012



The Law 
Rental income is taxable under Section 3(2) (a) (iii) of the Income Tax Act, Cap 470 Laws of Kenya. In addition, rent on non-residential buildings (Commercial) is also taxable under Section 5 and 6 VAT Act Cap 476.
What is Taxable?
All rent, premium or any other consideration for use or occupation of property.
Rates of Taxation
Taxation rates are dependent on whether the taxable person is an individual or corporate entity and whether they are resident or non resident
1.      For resident individuals, the  annual tax rates  (on total annual income including net rent income) are as follows;
On the first Kshs. 121,968 ........................10%
On the next Kshs. 114,912 .......................15%
On the next Kshs. 114,912 .......................20%
On the next Kshs. 114,912 .......................25%
On all income over Kshs. 466,704..............30%
   Note: The above scales are referred to as “graduated”
2.      For resident companies the net  annual income together with other incomes, if any, are taxed at the flat rate of 30%
3.      For, non-residents (for tax purpose) there is only withholding tax @ 30% on gross rent and which then is a final tax, they are not allowed to claim any expenses.
4.      For partnerships, only a single rent declaration is submitted but the partners will be taxed on their respective shares of the rent income.
5.      Estate of deceased landlords.
The net rent income (supported by rent schedules) accruing to the estate of deceased is chargeable at resident corporate tax rate of 30%.
6.      VAT on non-residential Rent(Commercial rent)
This is charged at 16% as it is not exempted by the 3rd Schedule of The VAT Act.
What You Need To Do To Comply With the Law
1.      Obtain Personal Identification Number (PIN) if you do not have one yet to enable you to transact any business with KRA including filing returns and paying taxes. KRA issues PIN on-line. To apply for PIN, please visit KRA online services at;
2.      Taxes are paid in four instalments on the 20th of the 4th month, 20th of the 6th month, 20th of the 9th month and 20th of the 12th month of the accounting period. Any balance of tax is payable by 30th of the fourth month after the end of the accounting period.
3.      Proper records should be kept for all your rental property indicating the following;
  1. Land reference(LR) number
  2. Year of construction 
  3. When first let and certificate of occupation
  4. Cost of construction
  5. Building plans
  6. Loan agreements
  7. Number of rentable units and rent per unit
  8. Rent received and rent receipt books
  9. Related expenses (invoices and receipts to support expenses)
  10. Lease/tenancy agreements
  11. Bank accounts for the rental income
  12. Rent schedules (income and expenditure account)
4.      At the end of the accounting period;
a)      Income Tax on Rental Income
    • Prepare rent schedule for all let property showing; number of property, rent received per property, gross rent received, and all expenses incurred per property.
    • Deduct only allowable and supported expenses to arrive at the chargeable rent. Examples of tax computations are provided herein. 
    • Complete tax return and attach rent schedule in support thereof. When you are filing return online, enter the details of the rent schedule as provided in the sheet available with the online tax return form. The sheet is provided when you click in the space to declare/enter taxable rent profit.
    • Submit self-assessment return within six months after the close of the accounting period.  
b)     VAT on Commercial Rent
Prepare VAT Account showing the VAT charged to tenants (output VAT) and allowable VAT on purchases (input VAT) incurred in the month.
·         Complete VAT return and submit together with payment by 20th   day of the following month.
·         Note: Receipts/invoices issued to tenants are supposed to show the VAT   charged and shall be ETR generated.
·         Note the following about online filing of the tax returns:
·         You are encouraged to file your tax returns online. For details on how to file your returns online, please visit the KRA online services at  
·         To file online, you must register with KRA online services.
Examples of a Rent Schedule
Example 1: Resident Individuals
a)      Mr. Landlord  has two properties from which he is earning rents as follows:
  • Property A with 5 units, at Kshs. 20,000 per month per unit
  • Property B with 10 units at Kshs. 15,000 per month per unit
b)      All units were occupied by tenants throughout the accounting period of 2010.
c)      During the accounting period, he incurred the following expenses;
    1. Land Rates – Kshs.10,000
    2. Property insurance – Kshs. 20,000
    3. Agents fees – Kshs. 30,000
    4. Repairs – Kshs. 160,000
    5. School fees – Kshs. 120,000*
    6. Loan interest – Kshs. 85,000
    7. Electricity – Kshs. 60,000
    8. During the year, his principal loan repayment amounted to Kshs. 250,000**
d)     His accounting period ends on 31st December, 2010.
e)      Computation of taxable rent income is as follows;
Gross Rent income for the year:
Property A -   5 units x Kshs. 20,000 x 12 months        1,200,000
Property B – 10 units x Kshs. 15,000 x 12 months       1,800,000
            Total Rent income in Kshs                                 3,000,000
Less: Allowable expenses (Kshs.):
Land Rates                            10,000
Insurance                             20,000
Agent’s fees                          30,000
Repairs                               160,000                          
Loan interest                        85,000
Electricity                             60,000                        365,000
Net taxable rent income (Kshs.)                               2,635,000
* School fees is a personal expenditure that is not allowable deduction.
** Principal Loan repayment is a capital item and not an allowable deduction

f)       Computation of Mr. Landlord’s tax for the year (on the assumption that he does not have any other incomes):
Taxable annual net rent income for the year - Kshs. 2,635,000
The first Kshs. 121,968 @ 10%            12,197
The next Kshs. 114,912 @ 15%           17,237
The next Kshs. 114,912 @ 20%           22,982
The next Kshs. 114,912 @ 25%           28,728
The balance Kshs. 2,168,296@ 30%  650,488
     Total tax Payable                         731,632
Less: Personal relief                             13,944
 Net tax payable                                 717,688

g)      If Mr.Landlord had paid 4 equal instalments of Kshs. 150,000 each for the year totalling Kshs 600,000 then he would have a balance of Kshs. 117,688 to pay by 30th April 2011. However, if he had not paid any instalments in advance, then the entire of the Kshs. 717,688 would be payable by 30th April 2011 plus penalties and interest for failure to pay instalments when they are due as per the law.

Example 2: Resident Limited Company
a)      In the above case, if the landlord was a resident limited company say M/s Landlord Ltd, then the net rent as computed above would be taxed at the corporate rate of 30% and all other matters remaining the same except that there is no personal relief.
b)      Therefore, tax computation will be as follows;
Net taxable rent (Kshs.)               2,635,000
Corporate tax @ 30%                      790,500
Less: instalment taxes paid            600,000
      Balance due by 30/4/11              190,500

Example 3 – Non Resident Persons
a)      For non-resident persons, the gross rent income is subjected to withholding tax at 30%, which is a final tax.
b)      Therefore, tax computation will be as follows;
Gross rent income (Kshs.)      3,000,000
Withholding tax @ 30%             900,000 (Please note this is a final tax)

5.       Kenyans in the Diaspora
Any Kenyan living out of the country but own property in Kenya must pay tax in Kenya on the rent earned. If non-resident (as defined in Section 2 of the Income Tax Act Cap 470), such rent is subject to a withholding tax at 30% of the gross which is then a final tax. However, if resident the rate of tax shall be at graduated scale on net rent income (see example 1).  

6.      Further Clarification
For further clarification, please contact Mr. David Gichohi on Tel. 020281-6095, Pentronila Muthenya 020-2813086  0r Call Centre Tel. 020 4999999. You may also visit the Real Estate and Rental Income Help Desk at Times Tower Building, Ground Floor or your nearest KRA Station for assistance. You can also communicate with us via email;
Note that the Income Tax Act Cap 470 and VAT Act Cap 476 of the laws of Kenya are available on KRA website at www.

Disclaimer: Taxpayers are notified that if there is any inconsistency between the provision of the Revenue Laws and the information contained herein, then the Revenue Laws shall prevail.

Tuesday 17 July 2012

The 10 Richest Women In Africa

Typically, women in Africa have been seen as homemakers or agriculturalists, yet a new breed of empowered women across the continent have managed to forage a way in business, whether through family connections, governmental patronage or sheer entrepreneurship. Below, are profiles of the ten richest females on the continent.

Mama Ngina Kenyatta
The widow of Kenya’s first president, Jomo Kenyatta, the former glamorous “mother of the nation” now leads a quiet, reclusive life away from the spotlight. Yet though she is not to be found on any African rich list, she has fabulous, mostly undeclared, wealth.
Mama Ngina, now 79, has gained huge respect from the Kenyan public for her defence and promotion of the family’s business interests. The Kenyatta family has investments in banking, education, farming, hospitality, insurance, manufacturing and real estate, though its presiding matriarch keeps a low profile.
Having stuck by Kenyatta even during his detention by the British colonial government, and defended the family’s business interests since his death in 1978, Mama Ngina now oversees a serious portfolio of brands and investments, including the largest privately owned Kenyan bank, the Commercial Bank of Africa (CBA), and the upmarket hotel chain Heritage. Brookside Dairies, East Africa’s leader in the dairy field with market share reaching from the region to the Middle East is another part of a vast investments empire which also includes media firm Media Max and Timsales Timber.
The latest move is in real estate, where Mama Ngina runs the rule over the construction of the 500-acre Northlands City, which will be the largest upmarket gated community in the region. Though alleged to have been involved with ivory smuggling in the 1970s, she is also engaged in many philanthropic activities. She has never revealed the full extent of her investments.

Isabel Dos Santos
Dos Santos, 39, is the oldest daughter of Angolan President José Eduardo dos Santos. The millionaire businesswoman is estimated to be worth over $50 million, with interests in oil and diamonds. She also has shares in Angolan cement company Ciminvest and the Banco Africano de Investimentos.
She is worth $170 million.
She originally made her mark in business at the age of 24 by using her father’s patronage to gain lucrative state contracts. She has fostered close business ties with Portugal, with her Maltese-registered investment firm holding a ten per cent stake in Portuguese media conglomerate Zon Multimedia. She also owns major stakes in Portuguese banks Banco Espírito Santo and Banco Português de Investimento, and in energy firm Energias de Portugal.

Hajia Bola Shagaya
The richest Nigerian businesswoman, Bola Shagaya has retained links with important figures in various administrations up to the present day and now enjoys a status as a queen of luxury. With interests in oil, banking, communications and photography, she has now also made steps into real estate, building hundreds of town houses for which renters pay $180,000 per year.
Owning properties in Europe and America, she has become one of the biggest players in the lucrative Nigerian oil sector. She is Group Managing Director/CEO of Bolmus Group International and a board member of Unity Bank Plc, while she has served on numerous board committees and currently sits on the board for the National Economic Partnership for Africa Development (NEPAD), a Nigerian business group. With over 24 years of active local and international business experience, she had participated in many local and international seminars and workshops, including the Harvard Business School to keep abreast of developments in management techniques.

Folorunso Alakija
Alakija is a 61-year-old Nigerian billionaire fashion designer and Executive Director of FAMFA Oil, the gas and oil exploration and production company.
After studying fashion design in the UK, she founded her fashion house Supreme Stitches in Nigeria in 1985 in Lagos, becoming the best designer in the country by 1986. Through a friend she became involved in the oil business, being allocated an unwanted oil bloc which later struck oil in commercial quantities and made Alakija’s fortune. This was achieved due to a hook-up with Texaco, which later became Chevron, in 1996.
She later became a more religious individual and now donates a lot of time and money to her Rose of Sharon Foundation, which provides interest free loans to start-up businesses.

Wendy Appelbaum
The only daughter of South African billionaire Donald Gordon, Appelbaum became a director of her father’s insurance and real estate firm Liberty Investors. Upon selling her shares she made her own personal fortune. Previously she was the Deputy Chairman of Women’s Investment Portfolio Limited (Wiphold), the first women’s controlled company to list on the Johannesburg Securities Exchange with then assets in excess of R1 billion. Moneyweb calls her the wealthiest woman in Africa.
In tandem with her husband Hylton, she used these funds to purchase DeMorgenzon, a wine estate in the famous wine region of Stellenbosch. She has in total donated US$23 million to found the Gordon Institute of Business Science and the Donald Gordon Medical Centre, in memory of her father, while she also chairs the South African Women’s Professional Golfers’ Association.
Wendy Appelbaum’s net worth as of early 2012 is estimated at $259.3 million.

Wendy Ackerman
Retail tycoon Ackerman is worth $190.2 million, with the Ackerman Family Trust run by her and her husband owning about 50 per cent of the major South African grocery chain Pick ‘n’ Pay. The $3 billion company owns outlets in Mozambique, Nigeria, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Australia, with Ackerman acting as Executive Director.

Bridget Radebe
The founder of Mmakau Mining, the successful mining firm with assets in gold, platinum, uranium, coal, chrome and exploration, Radebe started out by working in mines herself. Now the president of the South African Mining Development Association, she is the older sister  of South African billionaire Patrice Motsepe and married to South Africa Justice Minister Jeff Radebe.
She was the first black woman in the country to found her own mining company, overcoming racial and gender prejudice. While her net worth is large, it is currently not published. Radebe received the International Businessperson of the Year Award in 2008 from the Global Foundation for Democracy.

Sharon Wapnick
Worth $43.1 million, Wapnick is one of the largest individual shareholders in listed loan stock companies Octodec Investments and Premium Properties, which were both founded by her father Alec. She is also a partner at TWB Attorneys, a Johannesburg-based commercial law firm. Her fortune was made in investments and real estate.
As of October 2011, Wapnick stepped into the role of non-executive chairman of Octodec, replacing her father. An attorney, she also has a wealth of experience in the property industry.

Elisabeth Bradley
Bradley, whose father Albert Wessels brought Toyota to South Africa in 1961, enjoys a net worth of $32 million as a result of her investments portfolio. In 2008, Wesco Investments, the holding company that she chairs, sold its 25 percent stake in Toyota South Africa to Japan’s Toyota Motor Corp for $320 million, with Bradley pocketing at least $150 million.
As well as remaining chairman of Wesco Investments, she is also vice-chairman of Toyota South Africa Limited, a director of AngloGold and board member at blue chip companies such as Standard Bank Group, Hilton Hotel and Roseback Inn.

Irene Charnley
Charnley, 52, is a former trade unionist who has amassed a net worth of $150 million. Currently the CEO of Smile Telecoms, a telecommunications products company working out of Mauritius, she first made a mark as a negotiator for the National Union of Mineworkers in South Africa. Later she became Executive Director at MTN, Africa’s largest teleco.
At MTN she led the company’s expansion across Africa and beyond, helping to acquire licences from Nigeria to Iran. She was as a result rewarded with MTN stock worth $150 million, though she left the company under controversial circumstances in 2007. She has also been a director of FirstRand Bank, Johnnic and Johnnic Communications.
Her current company, Smile Telecoms, helps lower-income individuals to have telecommunications and continues a line of anti-poverty programs Charnley began at MTN.

Source...........  Ventures Africa

Tuesday 10 July 2012

FastJet To Phase Out Fly540 By October

RUBICON Investments, the company that bought out regional airline Fly 540 plans to launch its operations locally by October under new name FastJet, it has announced. British investment firm Rubicon last month completed a buyout deal to take over Fly 540 for $85.7 million (Sh7.3 billion) from Lonrho group. The firm said then that it had chose to acquire Fly540 as its platform for the launch of a budget airline in Africa modelled along Europe's largest low cost carrier Easy Jet founded by one of Rubicon's director's, Stelios Haji-Ioannou.

In its latest statement, Rubicon said it had chosen Airbus A319 for Fastjet operations in the continent. "The decision to launch FastJet with the Airbus A319 enables us to expand rapidly with each aircraft potentially carrying around 250,000 passengers a year. Rubicon expects passenger capacity to double from current levels within six months of the introduction of the A319 fleet,” said Rubicon CEO Ed Winter in the statement posted on the firm's website. "We plan to add at least five leased Airbus A319 aircraft to the fleet within six months of launch and up to 15 within a year."

This announcement was made hours after a local newspaper reported that the buyout deal had been challenged by a creditor who gone to the registrar of companies in a bid to block the transfer of Lonrho's shares in Fly540 to Rubicon. The creditor, the report said, is demanding Sh55 million from Fly540 for supply of jet fuel and seeks to block the transfer until the debt is settled.
However if the deal eventually pulls through and Fastjet manages to launch operations by October as planned, it would create fierce competition with Kenya Airways' new subsidiary Jambo Jet also planning to launch at the same time. In April, KQ's Finance Director Alex Mbugua told an investors meeting held at Outspan hotel in Nyeri that the budget airline Jambo Jet would launch in six months time since staff recruitment was already on course.

Jambo Jet is also expected to be a low cost airline. The fight for the regional air travel market by the airlines will signal the beginning of cheaper fares. Currently air travel is very costly with travel to some regional destinations costing as much as or more than long haul destinations like Europe or North America. David Lenigas, Executive Chairman of Rubicon and of Lonrho Plc added that FastJet intends to sign a deal with a major European maintenance, repair and overhaul company in a bid to also raise the aviation safety standards in the continent to be at par with Europe.

The star.